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Image by R_ R

Search Results

2 items found

  • My Favorite Song

    "The Only Exception" is my favorite song.

  • Online Platforms for ICT Content Development

    Empowerment technology is critical, particularly for millennials, in terms of preparing, teaching the value of, and introducing them/us to the appropriate world of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), as well as how the world, including the Philippines, has continued to be shaped by them. This unit allows you to explore the world of ICT in general while also assisting you in honing your abilities in a variety of applications. My webpage contains the following information: You'll see my future laptop, which will display icons for various platforms and programs that will most likely exist on my desktop in five to ten years. You'll see why I chose those icons, how I created my own icons, and how they work or can aid in the future.

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